I learn, therefore I am.
More than 1.000 Graduates
Step 1: Learn to connect (keyword: communication) Our mission is to identify your particular needs and objectives in order to define your target Step 2 : Learn to play (keyword: smile) Modern and interactive methods, focusing on efficient and creative learning Step 3: Learn how to learn (keyword : tailored learning) Different teaching approaches and an update toolbox with a variety of subjects and ways to present content, from which we all can learn |
In the last 15 years
I am very satisfied with Antonia. There is nothing more I wish for, she's excellent. The cooperation between me and Antonia is great. She is very cheerful and enthusiastic, the time passes by very fast. The materials are good. Overall very positive feedback :) My Romanian is getting better after 10 lessons and I already start to speak with my colleagues and I understand many things when people are talking.
Orfeas Antoniou, P&G
Je pourrais dire beaucoup de choses de mon cours de français, mais je vais le résumer en 5 mots-clé : progrès, flexibilité, créativité, spontanéité, motivation, car elle réussit à me tenir ancrée dans le cours avec des sujets intéressants qu'elle choisit avec soin.
Oana Toma, responsable RH, Auchan Romania
I am enjoying the Romanian lessons. Antonia is an excellent teacher and we have developed a nice rapport. She is very well organized, and is extremely patient with my need for repetitions! She is giving me a very practical, useful base. She has also invited me to several musical events in Bucharest and is very thoughtful to make me aware of events that may interest me.
Nancy Sage, housewife
Antonia is very professional. I enjoy the locally adapted material – highlighting even YouTube songs in Romanian that I ask as a training. Overall I’m positive about the quality of the language lessons.
Evangelos Rempelos, Procter&Gamble
Antonia Bogdan is one of the best language teachers I had, definitely the best French teacher ever. From the normal language to highly specialized, she was able to teach us nuances that don't come easily in everyday speech. Very professional, always prepared, with various materials and innovative games she managed to trigger our eagerness to learn more and more with every lesson. I am really glad I had the chance to participate in her lessons. Wish her highest achievements and the best of support in her endeavors.
Mihaela Maxim, IT specialist
Am venit in cadrul Genpact cu dorinta de a-mi imbunatati nivelul limbii franceze si pot sa va spun ca datorita dumneavoastra pot, dupa 6 saptamani in care am invatat cu placere, sa consider ca pot sustine o conversatie, pot intelege si pot scrie corect gramatical in limba franceza.
Ceea ce va diferentiaza de toti profesorii pe care i-am intalnit este modalitatea de a le capta atentia elevilor printr-un curs interactiv plin de jocuri si activitati care faceau ca cele 4 ore sa treaca foarte repede.
Ceea ce am apreciat foarte mult a fost faptul ca tot ceea ce discutam pe parcursul cursului era in limba franceza. Astfel incat la final eu si colegii mei continuam sa vorbim in franceza si sa cautam tot felul de sinonime si traduceri pentru discutiile noastre.Inca o data va multumesc pentru grija pe care ati avut-o ca noi sa intelegem limba franceza.Mi-a facut o mare placere sa va cunosc si sa invat limba franceza cu un profesor deosebit!
Je vous souhaite bonne chance et plus d'étudiants parce que je sais que vous aimez enseigner le français!
Diana Lambru, Genpact Romania
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